The rag-doll physics-based gameplay is obviously showing its age, but playing beer pong or miniature golf with your own flailing (dead?) body can be fun in short bursts. There is also an over-the-top stunt mode which retains a lot of the heart from the original FlatOut title.

In what felt like an effort to stretch out the career mode, they made the payouts stingy and the extra cars hard to obtain, but there just isn’t enough original tracks or fun to be had to justify the grind. When I saved up my winnings to buy a car in the next tier, you can imagine my disappointment when the track familiarity remained, and the car seemed to be little more than a slightly faster, less rusty version of the first.
Worse than that, the game does little to explain how to unlock the many locked cars that just set there, grayed out, teasing me. The problem was you can’t miss that the subsequent tracks quickly begin to rehash many of the same sections and it takes forever to unlock new cars. So to recap, the over-the-top arcade handling feels good, those first few tracks impress and the music feels just right, and yet the career mode still managed to lose me. Also, the soundtrack does a good job of bringing back that old-school racing feel from the last few generations, simply swapping out the Nu-metal and rap metal from my youth with some decent, yet fairly obscure alternative rock. It is a FlatOut title, so the other cars trying to kill you is a give in, but the ease at which they seem to be able to spin you out did get a bit frustrating. Those first few tracks look pretty, have a ton of old buildings and haystacks to plow through, and they do a good job of offering you multiple shortcuts, which came in handy to avoid the ultra-aggressive AI. The sense of speed when you hit the nos feels satisfyingly intense, and the collisions are aplenty and unavoidable. Obviously, FlatOut 4 is an arcade style racer and not a driving simulator, and it tackles this job fairly well. I spent 8,000 of my 10,000 budget on a rusty VW Beetle, spent the last 2 grand on upgrades and got to racing. This lack of options would soon become a theme, but at the time, all seemed cool and I was anxious to get behind the wheel. In what turned out to be a precursor of things to come, you can only choose between two cars at the outset. Once popping in the disc, I went straight to the career mode, which is broken into 3 tiers: You start out with the derby mode, which is a bunch of rusted out classics. I can almost imagine the rallying cry at Kylotonn: All right, gang, there’s no way we can screw this up worse than the last one, so let’s do this thing! That’s probably not how it went down, but the good news is, FlatOut 4: Total Insanity is not as bad as FlatOut 3.
I’m talking legendarily bad, but Kylotonn is new to the series and should be commended for breathing life into a series that, by all rights, should probably be dead. It’s a testament to the team at Kylotonn that FlatOut 4 is even here.